Empowering Disadvantaged Groups Through Innovative Technologies

Main Goal
- Create a innovative training related with this new technologies including, Metaverse, AI and VR tools for 30 people
- Improve the skills from disadvantage groups who cannot pay this kind of training and education in immersive technologies.
- Provide a set on educational tools to create content based on these technologies
- Create a job info point in every country related to this kind of jobs and training.

Training AI
To equip underprivileged individuals with foundational knowledge and practical skills in artificial intelligence, enabling them to explore diverse career prospects

Training in VR
To enable disadvantaged individuals to experience virtual reality and gain skills in designing and
developing VR applications for personal and professional growth.
Results to Achieve
Through our innovative training program, we aim to empower disadvantaged groups by enabling them to acquire new skills, expand their knowledge base and gain confidence in utilizing Metaverse, AI and VR technologies.
By the end of the training, participants will be equipped to pursue diverse career opportunities and make a positive impact on their communities

Our Teams

The organisation was founded in 2008 in order to implement regional-international projects that contribute to the social-economic development of the region of Velke Kapusany. Since its foundation the organisation has organised several cultural and educational events for young people and adults in the area of Velke Kapusany in Slovakia.The organisation has worked in several international youth exchange projects /Youth in Action, Erasmus+/ as sending organisation and also has regularly organised youth exchange programmes as receiving organisation since 2015. The organisation closely cooperates with local primary and secondary schools. The Youth Club run by the organisation has around 20-30 members, mainly youth at the age of 13-20. We regularly organise trainings and free time programs for local youth. The organisation has been active in Lifelong Learning Program and later Erasmus+ since 2011. We have worked in vocational mobility projects (as sending and as receiving organisation), youth exchange projects, partnership projects in the youth field and also Visegrad Fund projects.

The Noszvaj-based Kárpátikum Alapítvány was founded in 2006 and currently has 4 affiliates in other counties apart from the headquarters. The foundation has two main aims:
1. Researching and spreading the innovational methods of regional development. Helping close up those regions lagging socially and economically by applying well-known and well-working examples from the European Union in local environments and also by mobilizing the youth and strengthening their social responsibility.
2. Forming a nature- and society-friendly mindset within the communities in the Carpathian basin; strengthening the sense of national belonging. Both aims revolve around activities focusing on training and motivating the youth.
The organization has already realized several, mainly sustainability-related programs: popularizing renewable energy sources, training regional developers, developing underdeveloped local regions, supporting cross-border Hungarians, implementing of non-formal educational exchange programs, photo contests, popularizing environmental protection, and organizing camps. The foundation currently functions countrywide, with over 20, mainly volunteering youth members.

Founded in 2014, EUducate is a youth-accredited association dedicated to promoting non-formal education for the growth of skills among young individuals and professionals through European programs. Our focus lies on organizing training activities for youth workers and professionals across various sectors, emphasizing key competences and European values.
EUducate contributes to society by fostering social dialogue and critical thinking, enhancing soft skills, promoting entrepreneurship, facilitating access to mobility opportunities, establishing platforms for understanding and cooperation and providing youth workers with enhanced tools.
3-10 September 2024
12th November 2024, 18:00
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